

welcome to my little corner of the internet — i’m so glad you’re here! thanks for sharing in my journey on the road to motherhood, and everything else along the way.

Inside Out Braid!

So... I made my first ever YouTube video! I've posted photos of my various braids on my Instagram page, and lots of you ask how I do it.

10906380_10104528087523120_899128452812807353_nTruth be told, I usually look up more "famous" YouTubers' videos, but I decided to make my own.


It's super awkward and I didn't realize you were supposed to make the video in clips. Either that, or I just suck at editing. Either way, I made the video. I don't know all all those YouTube "stars" do it. The lighting sucked, I couldn't figure out where to look, and doing your own hair without a mirror is really difficult.

So without further adieu, my video:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJs_34MbleI&w=560&h=315]

Weekend Roundup: Icebox Classic
